Livetainment EAD (herein " Company” “LVT” “Lvt", " we'', `` our'', or " us ") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy describes and governs how Livetainment EAD collect, store, process, transfer, share and use data that identifies or is associated with you (" personal information ") and information regarding our use of cookies and similar technologies.

Please note that while LVT is a for-profit business, we do not sell your personal information. For the purposes of the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act,  Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA), Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA)  we are the data controller.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to the LVT sites and to all of their games and services, features, mobile applications, emails, online services and other functionalities (collectively, the “Features“) available via or related to the LVT or Bingo Trivia, whether accessed via a computer, mobile device, or otherwise (collectively, the “LVT and Bingo Trivia Contest Sites and Features“). This Privacy Policy may also apply to future websites, mobile apps, and interactive services operated by the Company, whether or not associated with the LVT brand or Bingo Trivia brand. We are committed to protecting your privacy online. We appreciate that you do not want your personal information distributed indiscriminately and here we explain how we collect information, what we do with it and what controls you have.

Before you use or submit any information through our site or mobile app, please carefully review this Privacy Policy ("Policy"). To use the LVT website or mobile app, you need to submit personal information such as during your account registration. By using the our Sites and Features, you consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Additional personal information may be required for game winners and participants to receive monetary prizes. LVT will inform the user, winners regarding the information it requires and will only use this information for the stated purpose(s), such as administering the game of skill. By providing the information, a user is giving consent to LVT to use the information for the stated purpose(s); if the user does not provide the information, features of the website or monetary prizes will not be available to the user. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time by changing it on the LVT or Bingo Trivia Sites.

Your submission of personal information is voluntary. When you voluntarily submit information, you consent to the use of your information for the purpose(s) stated in the Terms & Conditions including participating in a game of skill for the purpose of winning money. Please be advised that if you are absolved under the law from giving consent to this Policy, you nevertheless acknowledge you have read and understood its terms.



We collect personal information that you voluntarily submit directly to us when you use our Service. This can include information you provide to us when you register for an account and user profile, fill in a form on our Service, create or edit your user profile on the Service, correspond with us by phone, SMS, e-mail or otherwise, respond to trivia questions, post comments using the chat function on our Service, or use some other feature of our Service. We may also collect personal information from third parties, such as social networks.

We will indicate to you where the provision of certain personal information is required in order for us to provide you certain features of the Service. If you choose not to provide such personal information, we may not be able to provide the Service to you or respond to your other requests. This includes money prizes won from trivia games.

Personal information which may be collected and some of which may be required to register an account or for use of an account include but limited to:


·   User Name, alias allowed

·   Email address

·   Phone number

·   Zip code

·   Internet protocol (IP) address

·   Some uniform resource locators (URLs)

·   Device identifiers

·   Installed apps lists and usage stats

·   App crash reports

·   Bookmarks

·   Browsing history

·   Individual game participation records, such as scores, times of play, and game results

·   Overall game records such as scores, times of play, and game results, and

·   Any information you choose to provide us (such as a profile picture).

LVT also collects personal information for winners to provide payments and comply with tax reporting. In those cases, additional information collected may include but not limited to:

·   Legal name

·   Address

·   Tax Number, Social Security Number or Government identification number

·   Date of birth

·   Gender

·   Photos uploaded or provided to us

·   Debt holder information

·   Debtors account number

·   Educational lending institution information

·   Other information that may be required by the IRS or other authorities.

The table at Annex 1  sets out the categories of personal information we collect about you and how we use that information, as well as the legal basis which we rely on to process the personal information.

We also automatically collect personal information indirectly about how you access and use the Service and information about the device you use to access the Service.

The table at Annex 2  sets out the categories of personal information we collect about you automatically and how we use that information. The table also lists the legal basis which we rely on to process the personal information.

We may link or combine the personal information we collect about you and the information we collect automatically. This allows us to provide you with a personalized experience regardless of how you interact with us.

We may anonymize and aggregate any of the personal information we collect (so that it does not directly identify you). We may use anonymized information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our Service and developing new products and features. We may also share such anonymized information with others.

We will store the personal information we collect about you for no longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy clauses and in Annex 1 and Annex 2 in accordance with our legal obligations and legitimate business interests.



We may share your personal information with the following (as required in accordance with the uses set out in Annexes 1 and 2):

Service providers and advisors: we may share your personal information with third party vendors and other service providers that perform services for us or on our behalf, which may include providing payment solutions, email or chat services, fraud prevention, web hosting, or providing analytic services.  

Social media: where you have connected a social media account with our Service, we may post your comments and opinions to our social media pages and tag you in those posts.

Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction: your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganization, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.

Government bureau and Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons: we may share your personal information with third parties as required by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (i) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (ii) detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of agreements, including our Terms of Service; and/or (iii) exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of LVT and Bingo Trivia, its users or others.

In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution, similar event, or steps taken in anticipation of such events (e.g., due diligence in a transaction), user information may be part of the transferred assets. The second instance may occur if we hire agents, consultants, vendors and related third parties to perform certain business-related functions on LVT’s behalf, and we provide access to or share your information with these companies so they can perform services for us. We limit the personal information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and we require them to agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information.



Security . We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or damage. All personal information we collect will be stored on our secure servers. All electronic transactions entered into via our website will be protected by encryption technology. We will never send you unsolicited emails or contact you by phone requesting your account ID, password, credit or debit card information or national identification numbers.



In accordance with applicable privacy law, you have the following rights in respect of your personal information that we hold:

Right of access . You have the right to obtain:

a)   confirmation of whether, and where, we are processing your personal information;

b)  information about the categories of personal information we are processing, the purposes for which we process your personal information and information as to how we determine applicable retention periods;

c)   information about the categories of recipients with whom we may share your personal information; and

d)  a copy of the personal information we hold about you.

Right of portability . You have the right, in certain circumstances, to receive a copy of the personal information you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format that supports re-use, or to request the transfer of your personal data to another person.

Right to rectification . You have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate or incomplete personal information we hold about you without undue delay.

Right to erasure . You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to erase your personal information without undue delay if the continued processing of that personal information is not justified.

Right to restriction . You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to limit the purposes for which we process your personal information if the continued processing of the personal information in this way is not justified, such as where the accuracy of the personal information is contested by you.

Right to object . You have a right to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests where there are grounds relating to your particular situation. There may be compelling reasons for continuing to process your personal information, and we will assess and inform you if that is the case.  You can object to marketing activities for any reason.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details at the end of this privacy policy. You may also review and edit the personal information you have submitted to us by logging into your account on the app.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint to US national data protection authority. Further information about how to contact your local data protection authority is available at   .



Our Service may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites, including those of other users, our partner networks, advertisers, partner merchants, news publications, retailers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to those websites.


LVT uses commercial software products to track usage numbers and events with our services to analyze and report on aggregated metrics data. This data is generally retained indefinitely to support the our features, services, website and mobile app.


When you use LVT, we automatically receive and store certain information from devices that you use to access the services. This information is collected passively by using various technologies, and includes the type of internet browser or mobile device you use, any website from which you have come to the services, your operating system, and location data through an IP address that identifies the city and state where you logged into LVT or your precise geo-location if you have permitted your mobile device to provide that information to us. LVT either stores such information itself or such information is included in databases owned and maintained by LVT, or its agents or service providers.


In an ongoing effort to better understand the use of our services and serve you, LVT often conducts research on its customer demographics, interests and behavior based on information we collect. We can de-identify and aggregate the information collected through the services for research purposes or any other purposes, and we can share this information with our affiliates, agents, business partners, or other third parties (e.g., Google Analytics).


When you use the services, the services request that you provide your city or town. Please keep in mind that other users of the services can view your city or town and state of residence, if it is made available within LVT’s settings.



When you use LVT or its games or services, our web server sends a cookie to your computer or mobile device. This is in an effort to make your experience simple and meaningful. "Cookies" are small files that a website transfers to a user's computer to allow the site to remember specific information. Cookies store and sometimes track information about your use of our services. If you do not want cookies to be transferred to your computer, you may choose to opt out of their use by modifying browser options. While you will still be able to access most features of the website or mobile app, certain features may not work as well or may be unavailable to you.


LVT may use certain types of information-collecting tools on its various websites including:

Session Cookies

LVT uses session cookies on its website for technical purposes such as to enable a user to more easily navigate the game. Session cookies only collect non-personally identifiable data, and once a user closes his or her browser, the session cookies disappear.


Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies store information on a user's computer for longer periods of time than session cookies, and the information is stored across multiple sessions. LVT never uses persistent cookies to collect personally identifiable information about its website visitors. LVT may use persistent cookies to improve its web metrics by distinguishing between new and returning visitors; to aggregate data anonymously on how visitors use the services; and to "remember" preferences that users provide voluntarily.

Customization tools

Customization tools may allow users to voluntarily provide information to personalize and improve their online experience on a particular site. This information is saved on the LVT’s contracted servers.

Functional Cookies

Some cookies may be necessary to make our services available to you ("Functional cookies"). For example, to provide the login functionality and to remember your consent and privacy choices. We may not be able to provide our services without Functional cookies.

Analytical Cookies

We may also use cookies for analytics purposes in order to operate, maintain, and improve our services ("Analytical cookies"). Some of the Analytical cookies used are set by us, and some are set by third parties such as Google Analytics or other tools, to collect and process certain analytics data on our behalf. You can learn about Google's practices by going to .

We may also work with third-party advertising companies to show you ads we think may be of interest to you and to track sales from ads for our services. For example, we may show you ads about our services on third party websites and apps, or ads about third parties' products and services on our website and app. To do so, we and our advertising partners place and access cookies through our services and otherwise collect or access personal information collected over time and across different online services.

We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your access to and use of our services: including to: (1) allow you to navigate and use all the features provided by our services; (2) customize elements of the layout and/or content within our services and remember that you have visited us before; (3) identify the number of unique visitors we receive; (4) improve our services and learn which functions of our services are most popular with users; and (5) how you use our services (e.g., by learning how long you spend using our services and where you have come to our services from. As we adopt additional technologies, we may gather additional information through other methods. We will notify you of such changes as described in the "Changes to LVT’s Privacy Policy" section below.)

Your cookie preferences

Most web and mobile device browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You can also learn more about cookies by visiting , which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browsers or mobile devices.

Please note that by blocking any or all cookies, you may not have access to certain features or offerings of our services.

If you are accessing our services through a mobile device, you can also update your privacy settings on your device by setting the "Limit Ad Tracking" and Diagnostics and Usage setting property located in the settings screen of your Apple iPhone or iPad, or by resetting your Android ID through apps that are available in the Play Store. You can also limit information collection by uninstalling the App on your device and you can use the standard uninstall process available as part of your device for this purpose.

Other technology: Web beacons

A web beacon is a transparent image file. Web beacons enable websites to track website usage information, such as the number of times a given web page has been viewed. Web beacons are invisible to you and (unlike cookies) are not placed on your computer. We may use them in association with cookies to understand how visitors interact with the pages and content on the pages of our services. We may also use web beacons to track whether you have opened an HTML email. When the email is opened, a part of the code that makes up the HTML page calls a web server to load the web beacon that then generates a record showing that the email has been viewed. Web beacons may also recognize when the email was opened, how many times it was forwarded and which URLs (links within the email) were clicked.

Other technology: Pixel Tags

In addition, we may use pixel tags or similar technologies (also referred to as clear gifs or web bugs). Pixel tags are tiny graphic images with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, that are used to track online movements of our users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user's computer hard drive, pixel tags are embedded invisibly in web pages. Pixel tags also allow us to send email messages in a format users can read, and they tell us whether emails have been opened to ensure that we are sending only messages that are of interest to our users. We may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages sent to a user. We do not tie the information gathered by pixel tags to information that is intended to identify our users.



Our Service is not directed at persons under 18 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, without your consent, then please contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to remove such information and terminate any account your child has created with us.



We may update this privacy policy from time to time and so you should review this page periodically. When we change this privacy policy in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the end of this privacy policy. Changes to this privacy policy are effective when they are posted on this page.


If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or other business related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email or by placing a notice on our Service. The fact that we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of contact as described in this privacy policy.


Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy.


This privacy policy was last modified on May 20th,  2022.


Category of personal information

How we may use it

Legal basis for the processing





Contact information such as your name, phone number, address and e-mail address.

We may use this information for account authentication.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We may use this information to communicate with you, including sending service-related communications, such as notifying you when you have won a quiz.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely administering the Service, and for communicating with you effectively to respond to your queries or complaints.





Profile information, such as   your username, profile picture and other users you have invited to use our Service.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to promote our Service, such as inviting new users to our Service or tagging you in comments on our social media pages.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting our Service.

Tax number or other government identifier . We may collect numbers assigned to you by tax authorities in your jurisdiction, such as your social security number or national insurance number.

We use this information to comply with our reporting obligations to tax authorities in the event that you win a prize while using our Service.

The processing is necessary for your legitimate interests, namely compliance with your legal obligations to report winnings to tax authorities.






Chat, comments and opinions.  When you contact us directly, e.g. by email, phone, or when you participate in a chat on our Service, we will record your comments and opinions.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to address your questions, issues and concerns.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely communicating with users and responding to queries, complaints and concerns.

We use this information to develop new products and features available through our Service or otherwise improve our Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely developing and improving our Service.




Information   about your use of our Service , such as the number of quizzes you have participated in on our Service, your replies to the trivia questions on our Service and the prize money you have won when using the Service.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service, including paying you any prize money you may win when you use the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to develop new products and features available through our Service or otherwise improve our Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely developing and improving our Service or certain features of our Service.


Address book contacts . Where you give us permission to do so, we may collect the phone numbers and names of the contacts on your device.

We use this information to connect you with people in your address book that are using our Service and to allow you to invite other people in your address book to our Service.

We will only process this information to the extent you have given us consent to do so.


Information received from third parties, such as social networks. If you connect a social network to our Service, or interact with our Service through a social network, we may receive information from the social network such as your name, profile information, and any other information you permit the social network to share with third parties. The data we receive is dependent on your privacy settings with the social network.

We use this information to allow you to log in to the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to tailor how the Service is presented to you.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely tailoring our Service to the user.

We use this information to promote our Service, such as tagging you in comments on our social media pages.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting our Service.

Precise location information . When you use certain functionalities of the Service, we may ask you to provide your precise location.

We use this information to provide you certain functionalities of the Service, such as the ability to interact with people using our Service near you.

We will only process this information to the extent you have given us consent to do so.

Approximate location information . Other than information you choose to provide to us, we do not collect information about your precise location. Your device’s IP address may help us determine an approximate location.

We use information you provide to us about your location to inform and plan our marketing strategy.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest, namely informing our direct marketing strategy.



All personal information set out above.

We will use all the personal information we collect to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service, to communicate with you, to monitor and improve our Service and business, and to help us develop new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to administer and improve the Service.





Category of personal information

How we use it

Legal basis for the processing

Information about how you access and use the Service . For example, the website from which you came and the website to which you are going when you leave our website, how frequently you access the Service, the time you access our Service and how long you use it for, the approximate location that you access the Service from, whether you access the Service from multiple devices, and other actions you take on the Service.

We use information about how you use and connect to our Service to present our Service to you on your device.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to tailor our Service to the user.

We use this information to determine products and services that may be of interest to you for marketing purposes

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to inform our direct marketing.

We use this information to monitor and improve our Service and business, resolve issues and to inform the development of new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to monitor and resolve issues with our Service and to improve our Service generally.




Log files and information about your device . We also collect information about the computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device you use to connect to our Service. This information can include details about the type of device, unique device identifying numbers, operating systems, browsers and applications connected to our Service through the device, your Internet service provider or mobile network, your IP address and your device’s telephone number (if it has one).

We use information about how you use and connect to our Service to present our Service to you on your device.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to tailor our Service to the user.

We use this information to determine products and services that may be of interest to you for marketing purposes

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to inform our direct marketing.

We use this information to monitor and improve our Service and business, resolve issues and to inform the development of new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to monitor and resolve issues with our Service and to improve our Service generally.


Livetainment EAD (herein " Company” “LVT” “Lvt", " we ", " our ", or " us ") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy describes and governs how Livetainment EAD collect, store, process, transfer, share and use data that identifies or is associated with you (" personal information ") and information regarding our use of cookies and similar technologies.

Please note that while LVT is a for-profit business, we do not sell your personal information. For the purposes of the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), we are the data controller.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to the LVT sites and to all of their games and services, features, mobile applications, emails, online services and other functionalities (collectively, the “Features“) available via or related to the LVT or Bingo Trivia, whether accessed via a computer, mobile device, or otherwise (collectively, the “LVT and Bingo Trivia Contest Sites and Features“). This Privacy Policy may also apply to future websites, mobile apps, and interactive services operated by the Company, whether or not associated with the LVT brand or Bingo Trivia brand. We are committed to protecting your privacy online. We appreciate that you do not want your personal information distributed indiscriminately and here we explain how we collect information, what we do with it and what controls you have.

Before you use or submit any information through our site or mobile app, please carefully review this Privacy Policy ("Policy"). To use the LVT website or mobile app, you need to submit personal information such as during your account registration. By using the our Sites and Features, you consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Additional personal information may be required for game winners and participants to receive monetary prizes. LVT will inform the user, winners regarding the information it requires and will only use this information for the stated purpose(s), such as administering the game of skill. By providing the information, a user is giving consent to LVT to use the information for the stated purpose(s); if the user does not provide the information, features of the website or monetary prizes will not be available to the user. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time by changing it on the LVT or Bingo Trivia Sites.

Your submission of personal information is voluntary. When you voluntarily submit information, you consent to the use of your information for the purpose(s) stated in the Terms & Conditions including participating in a game of skill for the purpose of winning money. Please be advised that if you are absolved under the law from giving consent to this Policy, you nevertheless acknowledge you have read and understood its terms.


We collect personal information that you voluntarily submit directly to us when you use our Service. This can include information you provide to us when you register for an account and user profile, fill in a form on our Service, create or edit your user profile on the Service, correspond with us by phone, SMS, e-mail or otherwise, respond to trivia questions, post comments using the chat function on our Service, or use some other feature of our Service. We may also collect personal information from third parties, such as social networks.

We will indicate to you where the provision of certain personal information is required in order for us to provide you certain features of the Service. If you choose not to provide such personal information, we may not be able to provide the Service to you or respond to your other requests. This includes money prizes won from trivia games.

Personal information which may be collected and some of which may be required to register an account or for use of an account include but limited to:

·    User Name, alias allowed

·    Email address

·    Phone number

·    Zip code

·    Internet protocol (IP) address

·    Some uniform resource locators (URLs)

·    Device identifiers

·    Installed apps lists and usage stats

·    App crash reports

·    Bookmarks

·    Browsing history

·    Individual game participation records, such as scores, times of play, and game results

·    Overall game records such as scores, times of play, and game results, and

·    Any information you choose to provide us (such as a profile picture).

1.    LVT also collects personal information for winners to provide payments and comply with tax reporting. In those cases, additional information collected may include but not limited to:

·    Legal name

·    Address

·    Tax Number, Social Security Number or Government identification number

·    Date of birth

·    Gender

·    Photos uploaded or provided to us

·    Debt holder information

·    Debtors account number

·    Educational lending institution information

·    Other information that may be required by the IRS or other authorities.

The table at Annex 1  sets out the categories of personal information we collect about you and how we use that information, as well as the legal basis which we rely on to process the personal information.

We also automatically collect personal information indirectly about how you access and use the Service and information about the device you use to access the Service.

The table at Annex 2  sets out the categories of personal information we collect about you automatically and how we use that information. The table also lists the legal basis which we rely on to process the personal information.

We may link or combine the personal information we collect about you and the information we collect automatically. This allows us to provide you with a personalized experience regardless of how you interact with us.

We may anonymise and aggregate any of the personal information we collect (so that it does not directly identify you). We may use anonymised information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our Service and developing new products and features. We may also share such anonymised information with others.

We will store the personal information we collect about you for no longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy clauses and in Annex 1 and Annex 2 in accordance with our legal obligations and legitimate business interests.


We may share your personal information with the following (as required in accordance with the uses set out in Annexes 1 and 2):

Service providers and advisors: we may share your personal information with third party vendors and other service providers that perform services for us or on our behalf, which may include providing payment solutions, email or chat services, fraud prevention, web hosting, or providing analytic services.  

Social media: where you have connected a social media account with our Service, we may post your comments and opinions to our social media pages and tag you in those posts.

Purchasers and third parties in connection with a business transaction: your personal information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganization, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.

Government bureau and Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons: we may share your personal information with third parties as required by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to (i) comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement; (ii) detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of agreements, including our Terms of Service; and/or (iii) exercise or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of LVT and Bingo Trivia, its users or others.

In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution, similar event, or steps taken in anticipation of such events (e.g., due diligence in a transaction), user information may be part of the transferred assets. The second instance may occur if we hire agents, consultants, vendors and related third parties to perform certain business-related functions on LVT’s behalf, and we provide access to or share your information with these companies so they can perform services for us. We limit the personal information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and we require them to agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information.


Security . We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or damage. All personal information we collect will be stored on our secure servers. All electronic transactions entered into via our website will be protected by encryption technology. We will never send you unsolicited emails or contact you by phone requesting your account ID, password, credit or debit card information or national identification numbers.


In accordance with applicable privacy law, you have the following rights in respect of your personal information that we hold:

Right of access . You have the right to obtain:

a)    confirmation of whether, and where, we are processing your personal information;

b)   information about the categories of personal information we are processing, the purposes for which we process your personal information and information as to how we determine applicable retention periods;

c)    information about the categories of recipients with whom we may share your personal information; and

d)   a copy of the personal information we hold about you.

Right of portability . You have the right, in certain circumstances, to receive a copy of the personal information you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format that supports re-use, or to request the transfer of your personal data to another person.

Right to rectification . You have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate or incomplete personal information we hold about you without undue delay.

Right to erasure . You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to erase your personal information without undue delay if the continued processing of that personal information is not justified.

Right to restriction . You have the right, in some circumstances, to require us to limit the purposes for which we process your personal information if the continued processing of the personal information in this way is not justified, such as where the accuracy of the personal information is contested by you.

Right to object . You have a right to object to any processing based on our legitimate interests where there are grounds relating to your particular situation. There may be compelling reasons for continuing to process your personal information, and we will assess and inform you if that is the case.  You can object to marketing activities for any reason.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details at the end of this privacy policy. You may also review and edit the personal information you have submitted to us by logging into your account on the app.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint to your national data protection authority. Further information about how to contact your local data protection authority is available at .


Our Service may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites, including those of other users, our partner networks, advertisers, partner merchants, news publications, retailers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to those websites.


LVT uses commercial software products to track usage numbers and events with our services to analyze and report on aggregated metrics data. This data is generally retained indefinitely to support the our features, services, website and mobile app.


When you use LVT, we automatically receive and store certain information from devices that you use to access the services. This information is collected passively by using various technologies, and includes the type of internet browser or mobile device you use, any website from which you have come to the services, your operating system, and location data through an IP address that identifies the city and state where you logged into LVT or your precise geo-location if you have permitted your mobile device to provide that information to us. LVT either stores such information itself or such information is included in databases owned and maintained by LVT, or its agents or service providers.

In an ongoing effort to better understand the use of our services and serve you, LVT often conducts research on its customer demographics, interests and behavior based on information we collect. We can de-identify and aggregate the information collected through the services for research purposes or any other purposes, and we can share this information with our affiliates, agents, business partners, or other third parties (e.g., Google Analytics).

When you use the services, the services request that you provide your city or town. Please keep in mind that other users of the services can view your city or town and state of residence, if it is made available within LVT’s settings.


When you use LVT or its games or services, our web server sends a cookie to your computer or mobile device. This is in an effort to make your experience simple and meaningful. "Cookies" are small files that a website transfers to a user's computer to allow the site to remember specific information. Cookies store and sometimes track information about your use of our services. If you do not want cookies to be transferred to your computer, you may choose to opt out of their use by modifying browser options. While you will still be able to access most features of the website or mobile app, certain features may not work as well or may be unavailable to you.

LVT may use certain types of information-collecting tools on its various websites including:

Session Cookies

LVT uses session cookies on its website for technical purposes such as to enable a user to more easily navigate the game. Session cookies only collect non-personally identifiable data, and once a user closes his or her browser, the session cookies disappear.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies store information on a user's computer for longer periods of time than session cookies, and the information is stored across multiple sessions. LVT never uses persistent cookies to collect personally identifiable information about its website visitors. LVT may use persistent cookies to improve its web metrics by distinguishing between new and returning visitors; to aggregate data anonymously on how visitors use the services; and to "remember" preferences that users provide voluntarily.

Customization tools

Customization tools may allow users to voluntarily provide information to personalize and improve their online experience on a particular site. This information is saved on the LVT’s contracted servers.

Functional Cookies

Some cookies may be necessary to make our services available to you ("Functional cookies"). For example, to provide the login functionality and to remember your consent and privacy choices. We may not be able to provide our services without Functional cookies.

Analytical Cookies

We may also use cookies for analytics purposes in order to operate, maintain, and improve our services ("Analytical cookies"). Some of the Analytical cookies used are set by us, and some are set by third parties such as Google Analytics or other tools, to collect and process certain analytics data on our behalf. You can learn about Google's practices by going to

We may also work with third-party advertising companies to show you ads we think may be of interest to you and to track sales from ads for our services. For example, we may show you ads about our services on third party websites and apps, or ads about third parties' products and services on our website and app. To do so, we and our advertising partners place and access cookies through our services and otherwise collect or access personal information collected over time and across different online services.

We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your access to and use of our services: including to: (1) allow you to navigate and use all the features provided by our services; (2) customize elements of the layout and/or content within our services and remember that you have visited us before; (3) identify the number of unique visitors we receive; (4) improve our services and learn which functions of our services are most popular with users; and (5) how you use our services (e.g., by learning how long you spend using our services and where you have come to our services from. As we adopt additional technologies, we may gather additional information through other methods. We will notify you of such changes as described in the "Changes to LVT’s Privacy Policy" section below.)

Your cookie preferences

Most web and mobile device browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You can also learn more about cookies by visiting, which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browsers or mobile devices.

Please note that by blocking any or all cookies, you may not have access to certain features or offerings of our services.

If you are accessing our services through a mobile device, you can also update your privacy settings on your device by setting the "Limit Ad Tracking" and Diagnostics and Usage setting property located in the settings screen of your Apple iPhone or iPad, or by resetting your Android ID through apps that are available in the Play Store. You can also limit information collection by uninstalling the App on your device and you can use the standard uninstall process available as part of your device for this purpose.

Other technology: Web beacons

A web beacon is a transparent image file. Web beacons enable websites to track website usage information, such as the number of times a given web page has been viewed. Web beacons are invisible to you and (unlike cookies) are not placed on your computer. We may use them in association with cookies to understand how visitors interact with the pages and content on the pages of our services. We may also use web beacons to track whether you have opened an HTML email. When the email is opened, a part of the code that makes up the HTML page calls a web server to load the web beacon that then generates a record showing that the email has been viewed. Web beacons may also recognize when the email was opened, how many times it was forwarded and which URLs (links within the email) were clicked.

Other technology: Pixel Tags

In addition, we may use pixel tags or similar technologies (also referred to as clear gifs or web bugs). Pixel tags are tiny graphic images with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, that are used to track online movements of our users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user's computer hard drive, pixel tags are embedded invisibly in web pages. Pixel tags also allow us to send email messages in a format users can read, and they tell us whether emails have been opened to ensure that we are sending only messages that are of interest to our users. We may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages sent to a user. We do not tie the information gathered by pixel tags to information that is intended to identify our users.


Our Service is not directed at persons under 18 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, without your consent, then please contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to remove such information and terminate any account your child has created with us.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time and so you should review this page periodically. When we change this privacy policy in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the end of this privacy policy. Changes to this privacy policy are effective when they are posted on this page.


If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or other business related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email or by placing a notice on our Service. The fact that we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of contact as described in this privacy policy.


Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy.

This privacy policy was last modified on May 20th,  2022.


Category of personal information

How we may use it

Legal basis for the processing





Contact information such as your name, phone number, address and e-mail address.

We may use this information for account authentication.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We may use this information to communicate with you, including sending service-related communications, such as notifying you when you have won a quiz.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely administering the Service, and for communicating with you effectively to respond to your queries or complaints.





Profile information, such as   your username, profile picture and other users you have invited to use our Service.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to promote our Service, such as inviting new users to our Service or tagging you in comments on our social media pages.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting our Service.

Tax number or other government identifier . We may collect numbers assigned to you by tax authorities in your jurisdiction, such as your social security number or national insurance number.

We use this information to comply with our reporting obligations to tax authorities in the event that you win a prize while using our Service.

The processing is necessary for your legitimate interests, namely compliance with your legal obligations to report winnings to tax authorities.






Chat, comments and opinions.  When you contact us directly, e.g. by email, phone, or when you participate in a chat on our Service, we will record your comments and opinions.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to address your questions, issues and concerns.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely communicating with users and responding to queries, complaints and concerns.

We use this information to develop new products and features available through our Service or otherwise improve our Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely developing and improving our Service.




Information   about your use of our Service , such as the number of quizzes you have participated in on our Service, your replies to the trivia questions on our Service and the prize money you have won when using the Service.

We use this information to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service, including paying you any prize money you may win when you use the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to develop new products and features available through our Service or otherwise improve our Service.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely developing and improving our Service or certain features of our Service.


Address book contacts . Where you give us permission to do so, we may collect the phone numbers and names of the contacts on your device.

We use this information to connect you with people in your address book that are using our Service and to allow you to invite other people in your address book to our Service.

We will only process this information to the extent you have given us consent to do so.


Information received from third parties, such as social networks. If you connect a social network to our Service, or interact with our Service through a social network, we may receive information from the social network such as your name, profile information, and any other information you permit the social network to share with third parties. The data we receive is dependent on your privacy settings with the social network.

We use this information to allow you to log in to the Service.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract and to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

We use this information to tailor how the Service is presented to you.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely tailoring our Service to the user.

We use this information to promote our Service, such as tagging you in comments on our social media pages.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely promoting our Service.

Precise location information . When you use certain functionalities of the Service, we may ask you to provide your precise location.

We use this information to provide you certain functionalities of the Service, such as the ability to interact with people using our Service near you.

We will only process this information to the extent you have given us consent to do so.

Approximate location information . Other than information you choose to provide to us, we do not collect information about your precise location. Your device’s IP address may help us determine an approximate location.

We use information you provide to us about your location to inform and plan our marketing strategy.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interest, namely informing our direct marketing strategy.



All personal information set out above.

We will use all the personal information we collect to operate, maintain and provide to you the features and functionality of the Service, to communicate with you, to monitor and improve our Service and business, and to help us develop new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to administer and improve the Serv


Category of personal information

How we use it

Legal basis for the processing

Information about how you access and use the Service . For example, the website from which you came and the website to which you are going when you leave our website, how frequently you access the Service, the time you access our Service and how long you use it for, the approximate location that you access the Service from, whether you access the Service from multiple devices, and other actions you take on the Service.

We use information about how you use and connect to our Service to present our Service to you on your device.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to tailor our Service to the user.

We use this information to determine products and services that may be of interest to you for marketing purposes

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to inform our direct marketing.

We use this information to monitor and improve our Service and business, resolve issues and to inform the development of new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to monitor and resolve issues with our Service and to improve our Service generally.




Log files and information about your device . We also collect information about the computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device you use to connect to our Service. This information can include details about the type of device, unique device identifying numbers, operating systems, browsers and applications connected to our Service through the device, your Internet service provider or mobile network, your IP address and your device’s telephone number (if it has one).

We use information about how you use and connect to our Service to present our Service to you on your device.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to tailor our Service to the user.

We use this information to determine products and services that may be of interest to you for marketing purposes

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to inform our direct marketing.

We use this information to monitor and improve our Service and business, resolve issues and to inform the development of new products and services.

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to monitor and resolve issues with our Service and to improve our Service generally.
